As the Madison River came up and dirty, folks started fishing more of the tail water
opportunities such as the Beaverhead River.
Ryan and Bronson were fortunate to have a week on the river and caught a variety of Trout during their stay. You can see they like to express themselves with their mouths wide open like the trout they landed. They are growing fins and starting to act like the fish. They sure had a bunch of fun.
Ryan provided a list of bugs they used: Soft Hackle Sow Bug #16 and #18 pink or dead tan; Ray Charles #18 Pink and Tan; JuJu Baetis #18 Olive and Purple; Rainbow Warrior #18 and #20; Sawyer Pheasant Tail #18 Red; Halfback Emerger Baetis #18; Halfback Emerger PMD #16; Studly Baetis #18; Cranefly Larvae Olive #8 and #10; Zebra Midge Black/Copper; Black/Silver,Red/Silver #18; $3 Dips Original Brown #16; Z Wing Caddis #16 Olive and Tan; Trico Spinner #20; Pheasant Tail Nymph #16 – #20; and the Sparkle Dun Baetis #18 – #22.
Brandon took Jim and Keefer over to the Beaverhead and they had a good day. The water did come up while they were fishing. They were working it with Ray Charles in Tan and Gray without the hot head then tried some streamer action in Black and Olive.
The Beaverhead is still fishing well. The water levels are low and clear at this time.