Some of us Beartooth folk got a chance to jet over to the Beaverhead for a quick little fishing/camping trip this weekend. The camping was excellent with a little rain and the
fishing was pretty good with sowbugs, caddis, little mayfly nymphs, and streamers. We floated from the Clark Canyon Dam down to Henneberry takeout. The action in the beginning of the float was mostly on caddis and mayfly nymphs, but others I talked to said they had been crushing them on sowbugs such as the Pink Ray Charles, the Dead Ray Charles and the pink Smidget in sizes 18 and 20.
The sowbugs were not really producing for us. The mayfly nymphs however were producing for Ross and I. I was getting them on little green guys on the drop like the olive Hogan’s S&M size 18 with Dan’s Delektable Big Spanker olive above that.
The sun was out hot and the fishing started to slow down a bit by noon, so we thought we would throw some streamers out the back of the boat and float down the river for a while instead of stopping and wading a bunch. Fish On! The streamer bite was the ticket for the water around High Bridge down to Hennaberry. It didn’t seem to matter that the sun was out and beating down hard, they just kept eatin. As normal, there were chases happening almost all the time but the refusals were many. Changing up colors and stripping technique always helps. As always it was another great day on the Beaverhead with a bunch a fun in the sun!
You can see that Roy, my dog was nice and comfy napping in the boat. Andrea enjoyed the float and learned more about our fishing techniques.
Happy Fishing!!!
Young Dan and Ross