What can we say about this day but Keefer really figured something out. Jim and Keefer image1SM image2SM image4SM image3SM IMG_0905SM IMG_0910SM IMG_0911SM IMG_1765SM IMG_1766SM IMG_1768SM IMG_1770SM

were fishing with Brandon. Both days were Lyons Bridge to Ruby Creek. After such a good first day, they had to do it again. The fun part was Keefer is using new photo equipment so we get the advantage of “Fish Eye”. The “Vana White” trout pose is more profound in these pictures. The river was off color. There was some weather. They used the usual spring combinations we have been using the past two weeks with some variations and some of Brandon’s secrets which may have included his own CDC Prince. The bugs included: Delektable Single Screamer Black/Olive; Delekable Mega Prince Flashback Standard; Delektable Flashback Hurless Stone; Pat’s Rubberlegs Black or Brown/Tan; Delektable Lil’ Spankers in PT,and Red; BH Worms; and Shop Vacs.

How do you follow a day like that? Our friend Kim and Mark fished with Joe and had a IMG_2311SM IMG_2315Sm IMG_2316SM IMG_2322SMgreat day too. Remember this is the well known “Big Fish Kim”. There are actually two Big Fish Kims. Kim may be a lucky fishing name but this day, Mark was the big fish guy too. Sometimes the weather and the dirt can help. The river was off color but still green and it was cloudy. These can be ideal conditions.

Ian and Hienie went out earlier in the week and then Joe with Hienie on Saturday. Again, they wereIMG_1272SM IMG_1274SM IMG_1278SM IMG_2338SM fishing streamers or big nymphs and trailers. Thursday was more productive than Saturday for them. It was fun both days. As you can see Hienie was sporting a very warm hat. It was cooler out both days.


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