October 2014 has seen a range of weather from some cold snowy days in the mountains
and valleys to some 70 degree bluebird sunny t-shirt weather days.
For the locals, it’s time to take a deep breath with the busy season passing and get out and enjoy the outdoors on this treasured Montana shoulder season.
The browns have been moving about and eating hard in preparation for their spawn. Larger stonefly nymphs like the Pats Rubberlegs in brown, black, and camo green along with Delektable Mega Prince have produced a number of fish and are always great choices for this time of year. Smaller BWO, baetis, and caddis in combination with the larger stonefly nymphs have slain fish. Delektable Egghead Twisted Wires in red and ginger brown along with Delektable Little Spankers in silver and green are some examples of flies that are working.
But for the streamer addicts, this is the time of year to be throwing large, meaty streamer patterns. The more articulations the better to get those big ones! White has been my go to color but olive and black have also produced some large fish. Modulate your stripping patterns and colors if it is slow for you, but keep to the hope that a very large brown has the chance of eating your fly! Happy Fishing!
“Best of all he loved the fall … the fall with the tawny and grey, the leaves yellow on the cottonwoods, leaves floating on the trout streams and above the hills the high blue windless skies. He loved to shoot, he loved to ride and he loved to fish.”
-Ernest Hemingway
Catch & Give for the Ennis Community Children’s School continued through the first week of October and there was record catching and corresponding donations for the kids. Thank you to all for participating and donating. Special thanks to Howard, Raymond James and Friends of Raymond James, and the Friends of Howard who generously helped with donations.